Lourdes • Fatima • Guadalupe • Shroud of Turin • Library

The Face on the Shroud of Turin

We describe the procedure we have followed to obtain a photographic positive of the face of Our Lord Jesus Christ as it appears on the Shroud. We publish high-resolution images of both the original face and the restored one.
Alexis Carrel witnesses her cure, he notices hour by hour, minute by minute, the changes that take place under his eyes. It is a kind of resurrection he describes as a man of science.
His two bones of the left leg which had been broken for eight years were united instantaneously in spite of the distance which separated them.
The most striking part of this multiple miracle is probably the instantaneous cure of the right arm. The nerves had been severed for eight years. More than mere suture would be necessary before the arm could feel and move again.
Photographs of the original face of Our Lady of Guadalupe, before being retouched between 1926 and 1931.
We share the reports of the doctors and ophthalmologists along with several high resolution images.
We reconstruct step by step the Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the image imprinted on the Shroud of Turin.
Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The Gospel says no more. The early Christians needed no further details, for they knew very well that the torment of the scourge was horribly painful and shameful.
The witnesses of the event were innumerable, their testimonies agree, and the documents they left us are superabundant.
Marion Carroll was instantly cured of advanced multiple sclerosis at Knock. She could no longer hold her head up, was doubly incontinent, had lost the use of both legs, was blind in her right eye and could not swallow solids.
Hundreds of sick people had been brought on their pallets. Two of them rose, and walked behind their Divine Master. All the carriers’ energy was required to prevent the crowd from crushing them in their delirium.
We share several images of Our Lady of Fatima that we have recreated with the help of artificial intelligence.
We share several images of Our Lady of Sorrows that we have recreated with the help of artificial intelligence.
A collection of free e-books created from online and public domain sources.